Scentsy Wild Desert Beautiful Warmer Available Now

2022 Scentsy Wild Desert Warmer
Scentsy 2022 Wild Desert Warmer

2022 Scentsy Wild Desert Warmer is beautiful!

Customers love this gorgeous Scentsy warmer. Wild Desert Scentsy warmer is exquisite! It is a wonderful addition to your home. It brings serenity and peace to any place in your home or office. It is a trendy and modern design taking desert landscaping to another level. Wild Desert Scentsy warmer Includes faux succulents and decorative stones, so you can make it your own. Have fun decorating for holidays like Halloween, Christmas and so many others! Let your imagination go wild!

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Scentsy Wild Desert Warmer Details

Power Wattage: 20W

Finish: Glow

Size – Dimensions: 12 cm tall